Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association

Scientific Information towards Indian Pharmaceutical Congress

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  • ipca logo
  • Hosted by

    The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

  • Venue

    Hitex Exhibition Center, Hyderabad

  • Theme

    The Role of Indian Pharma for Global Wellbeing

News  dateicon

Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association

IPCA is the apex body representing the Indian Pharmacists working in various capacities, viz, Community Pharmacists, Hospital Pharmacists, in Industry (in Production, R&D, Quality Assurance Marketing, Regulatory Affairs) Academics and other disciplines and areas of work.

IPCA has more than 20,000 pharmacists as its members:

rightarrow The Indian Pharmaceutical Association - IPA
rightarrow The Indian Pharmacy Graduates' Association – IPGA
rightarrow The Indian Hospitals Pharmacist Association – IHPA
rightarrow The Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India – APTI
rightarrow The All India Drugs Control Officers Confederation - AIDCOC


Online Submission Dates

Start Date: dateicon  04-03-2024
Last Date: dateicon  22-05-2024

Announcement of Acceptance

25 May 2024

Conference Host


   The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

| Venue
   Hitex Exhibition Center, Hyderabad

| Event Website

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